On Earth, a diverse range of living things, the atmosphere, water, soil, etc. are organically linked to support the cycle of materials, and humanity cannot exist without them. In particular, since the second half of the 20th century, as industry has developed, we have polluted nature and had an impact on ecosystems and the biodiversity that forms our natural environment.
Can we contribute to the achievement of a sustainable society? We developed “AdPower”, our first innovation, in 2016 after a lot of trial and error from various perspectives without sticking to preconceived ideas.
We develop and manufacture products that provide ”Added Value" so that we can achieve a more "Advanced" lifestyle than we have now.
We obtained our first patent in 2017, and in 2019, our products were introduced to the Ulaanbaatar Municipal Bus Company in Mongolia.
In addition, our collaboration with Tokai University’s Faculty of Engineering began in 2019. Over the course of two and a half years, we conducted research on electrostatics—an area that had yet to be fully understood—exploring visualization techniques. As a result, we successfully demonstrated the suppression of electrostatic charges in engine intake air and the improvement of airflow."
Since 2022, we have been conducting joint research with Chiba Institute of Technology, and AdPower's static electricity suppression technology has evolved (deepened) even further.
AdPower is also used in racing cars.
AdPower is also used in racing cars.
From Automobiles to Audio Field
Koji Morimoto (Chief Recording Engineer at Avex Entertainment, Vice-Chairman at Japan Association of Recording Engineers), who had experienced the benefits of AdPower for cars, is always searching for ways to achieve better sound, and we started a project to explore whether the technology could be applied to audio devices as well. In March 2022, we launched the audio version of AdPower, called “AdPower Sonic”.
Do We Explain Everything, or Do Explanations Come After?
After that, we had the privilege of meeting and connecting with people who were experts in the music industry. We received invaluable advice from the late Dr. Muneshige Nagase, a famous audio enthusiast and physician who founded the audio enthusiast club “Double Woofers”.
“The president of AdPower was originally a researcher in the field of biology, so she has a strong scientific mindset. In an effort to understand why AdPower works, she is collaborating with a renowned research institute in Tsukuba and a university in Chiba to prove its effectiveness. So far, it seems that the index called IACC (Inter Aural Correlation Coefficient) has increased. However, I don’t think this index alone fully explains the improvement in sound. Sticking on a small sticker might seem a bit superstitious, but the improvement is real. In medicine, there are also cases where the theory comes later. Take nitroglycerin, for example—the raw material for dynamite. It was used as a treatment for angina pectoris for a long time before anyone actually knew why it worked. Later, researchers discovered that its vasodilating effect was due to nitric oxide, which finally explained its effectiveness and even led to a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1998. I think it’s human arrogance to assume that everything can be logically explained upfront. The fact is, nitroglycerin relieved angina first—so people used it, even before they knew why it worked.
AdPower originally started as a way to eliminate static electricity in cars. Later, it was found to be effective in improving sound as well. But personally, I have a hard time believing that its effect on sound is only due to static elimination. I believe the true reason will gradually become clear. But just like with nitroglycerin, I’d rather enjoy the benefits first."
We were truly impressed by this comment. It reminded us that the pursuit of new knowledge is a challenge shared across all fields and that it takes time to fully understand and verify its effects. It also strengthened our commitment to research, development, and validation.
For past research results on the AdPower Sonic for audio equipment and musical instruments, please visit here.
Since 2022, we have been collaborating with the Wakimoto Laboratory at Chiba Institute of Technology on AdPower for automobiles. In the same year, we also conducted verification tests of AdPower Sonic for audio devices and musical instruments at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology. Following this, in 2023, we began research in collaboration with the Nishiura Laboratory at Ritsumeikan University.
Furthermore, to verify the effect of AdPower Sonic on improving sound quality in musical instruments—not only through scientific and numerical approaches but also from a musician’s perspective—we began research collaboration in 2024 with Hiroshige Oikawa, a professor at The International University of Kagoshima and former principal oboe player of the Leipzig Symphony Orchestra in Germany for 30 years. Verification is steadily progressing to this day.
AdPower Sonic is becoming more and more popular in the music industry
・Akimitsu Honma (music producer/composer/arranger/keyboardist/pianist/CEO of Isolablu Inc.) ・Kunihiko Chisaka “Chester Beatty” (producer/record cutting engineer) ・Yoshiki Yamamoto (composer/film music composer/producer/turntablist/keyboardist/percussionist) ・Kenichi Ishidera (sound mixer/supervising sound editor) ・Yoshiyuki Minegishi (judge at the High-End Car Audio Contest and the European Car Audio Contest/recording engineer/associate professor at Nagoya University of Arts)
These leading experts in the music industry have also highly praised the effectiveness of AdPower Sonic. For more details, please visit the official AdPower Sonic website.
Above all, we are supported by our users. AdPower and AdPower Sonic have gained the trust of many, and we sincerely thank everyone for using them. Recently, we have been delighted to see more users who first installed AdPower in their cars and later purchased AdPower Sonic for their car audio and audio devices. We will continue striving to meet our users' expectations and make further progress in research and development.