~What is AdPower?~
Small sticker type product.
Patented electrostatic suppression technology in Japan for improving engine performance of your vehicles.
Small sticker type product.
Patented electrostatic suppression technology in Japan for improving engine performance of your vehicles.
抑制進氣中的靜電、 提高引擎的燃燒效率。
1. 減少耗油
2. 輸出(馬力/扭矩)的提高。
3. 燃油效率改善。
2017: 日本專利(No. 6176759)
2018: JATA (日本汽車運輸技術協會)
2019: 东京都产业劳动局
2020: Good Design Award 2020
2017-2018年 公共機構和製造商的平均測量測試值。
廢氣排放:日本汽車運輸技術協會 2018年10月15-16日測試
We established the"Tomizawa Fund" in 2007 and started a business.
However,the year after the establishment, the financial crisis provided an opportunityto transform the business, and I was thinking about how to restart it. At thattime, I visited Asian countries for the first time in a long time …
Super Taikyu是在日本舉行的汽車比賽。一台由市售四輪車改裝而成的機器將參加比賽。 AdPower 也用於 Super Taikyu。